Milirats is no longer a "top secret" project!
As of now there's a bunch of stuff going on, there's a logo, the title screen is functional and totally animated, uhh... you get to the level select screen, Norgevica is there and briefly explains why you're here and so so on.
There's only one ally avaliable as of now (PSR; Pistol Shooting Rat) and he's still pretty damn basic in its current state.
As of now, you start in what is the Milirats' universe equivalent of the Balkans.
- Mustetia (HR)
- Falkyar (HU)
- Lupia (SR)
- Augia (AT)
There's a fifth one, but it's not included in the campaign. You fight against Mausenia, your little rival country that is habitated by Mice in the INVASION mode.